vk Social Articles Facebook Telegram Social button JoomShopping Virtuemart K2 ZOO
Update Date: 18 August 2021
JL Like is an experimental plugin designed for adding of the popular social networks buttons. Plugin is based on a 'share' technology of social networks: Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter, Ok.ru, My World, Linkedin, Pinteres, LiveJournal, Blogger, Weibo, Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber and Twitter.
This is a Tolstoy commenting system integration plugin with Joomla materials. For the plugin to work...
Emailtools for Virtuemart - connecting trigger email newsletters. Triggers an abandoned basket, an a...
Emailtools for JoomShopping - connecting trigger email newsletters. Triggers an abandoned basket, an...
JL Yandex Share PRO - a plugin that allows you to display the widget of social buttons Yandex.
The plugin allows you to send JoomShopping order data to Bitrix24 CRM.
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