JL Weather

JL Weather


Update Date: 18 February 2019

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The component and the weather module allows you to display weather for site visitors. Has the ability to display weather for several cities.



  • Compatible with Joomla 3.
  • Easy setup and installation.
  • Ability to display weather for multiple cities.
  • Ability to set an individual name for the city.
  • System caching.
  • Automatic filling from the site openweathermap.org for 5 days.
  • Multilingual.
  • Weather module.
  • Unified installation package.
  • Component and SEO template optimized.
  • Automatic update through the administrative part of Joomla.
  • Ability to specify the city id for each menu item.


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Additional Information

Update Date
18 February 2019
Number of downloads
Package contents
Component, Module
3.0 | 3.6.5 | 3.7 | 3.8 | 3.9

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