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Хотел добавить исклбючение, добавил view, сохранил - не помогло. Захотел поменять на featured - выкинуло. И так какждый раз. Захожу в плагин - пробую изменить слово -выбрасывает в меню плагинов. Изминеия не сохраняются. joomla 2.5
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[Cassia Seed and Chrysanthemum Tea] One cup an afternoon can clean the liver, improve eyesight, and shield the heart and liver! Suitable for folks who stay up late and paintings time beyond regulation, have a bad complexion, are prone...
[Cassia Seed and Chrysanthemum Tea] One cup an afternoon can clean the liver, improve eyesight, and shield the heart and liver! Suitable for folks who stay up late and paintings time beyond regulation, have a bad complexion, are prone...
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