sort-list and enable ordering

6 года 5 мес. назад #7523 от ChLi
ChLi создал тему: sort-list and enable ordering
Hy, my version 1.6 run`s good, but I have 2 questions:

1. In your demo in the produkt-list, there is one product after the next one, in my version in line 1 is one product and in the next lines are 2 products. Is this a setting? If it is, where can I change it like your demo:

2. When I enable ordering (yes), I can see ordering in the backend, but it will not work. Do you know about this problem?

Best regards from Christian

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6 года 5 мес. назад #7524 от JoomLine
JoomLine ответил в теме sort-list and enable ordering
1. Are you talking about two columns?
This is the answer for this setting:
2. Yes, we know about this problem.

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6 года 5 мес. назад #7525 от ChLi
ChLi ответил в теме sort-list and enable ordering
Hy! No, i mean the output of the result.

Thats my result, 1 product in the first line, in all others 2 products:

Thats your result: Each line only 1 product:

Thanks for help.

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6 года 5 мес. назад #7527 от JoomLine
JoomLine ответил в теме sort-list and enable ordering
This is the content settings.

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6 года 5 мес. назад #7528 от ChLi
ChLi ответил в теме sort-list and enable ordering
Ah, okay, in the part: Blog!


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