Setting "Filter Fields"

6 года 3 мес. назад #7502 от ChLi
ChLi создал тему: Setting "Filter Fields"
Hy, i have version 1.6.1 and i can`t find a setting <<Filter fields>> in the module. What`s wrong?

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6 года 3 мес. назад #7503 от JoomLine
JoomLine ответил в теме Setting "Filter Fields"
In version 1.6.1, the output of the fields in the module is controlled in the Joomla field settings.
Content -> Fields -> Select the required field -> Tab "Filter parameters"

Documentation updated

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6 года 3 мес. назад #7504 от ChLi
ChLi ответил в теме Setting "Filter Fields"
Thank`s for your answer, but I don`t understand. In your documentation you say:

Setting module JL Content Fields Filter, 2. part:
"In the setting «Filter fields» select fields, articles of the current category will be filtered by these fields."
I can`t find this part in the JL content Fiels Filter Module.

And also no possibility in "Filter parameters" which says where the Field should work, for example in JL.
In "Content -> Fields -> Select the required field -> Tab "Filter parameters" are only the possibilitys: "View in filter" with the options no, radio, list, checkbox.
I´m working with Joomla 3.8.12.

Do you know what`s my wrong execution?

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6 года 3 мес. назад #7505 от JoomLine
JoomLine ответил в теме Setting "Filter Fields"

ChLi пишет: Thank`s for your answer, but I don`t understand. In your documentation you say:

Setting module JL Content Fields Filter, 2. part:
"In the setting «Filter fields» select fields, articles of the current category will be filtered by these fields."
I can`t find this part in the JL content Fiels Filter Module.

This part has been removed from the documentation.

ChLi пишет: Thank`s for your answer, but I don`t understand. In your documentation you say:

Setting module JL Content Fields Filter, 2. part:
"In the setting «Filter fields» select fields, articles of the current category will be filtered by these fields."
I can`t find this part in the JL content Fiels Filter Module.


If you do not have a logical field (Radio, checkboxes, list), then you will not have these values.
For the text field, the values are text (plain text) and Range (search for numeric values from and to). For the Range view, choose the layout "range"

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6 года 3 мес. назад #7506 от ChLi
ChLi ответил в теме Setting "Filter Fields"
Hy, all done, no solution:( :

Part 1

System settings:

Field Type:

Filtering params

JL Modul:

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6 года 3 мес. назад #7507 от ChLi
ChLi ответил в теме Setting "Filter Fields"
Part 2:

JL Erweitert:


Fields in Content:

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6 года 3 мес. назад #7508 от JoomLine
JoomLine ответил в теме Setting "Filter Fields"
That is, the fields are not output in the filter module ??
Specify access to the admin panel of the site through private tags.

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6 года 3 мес. назад #7513 от ChLi
ChLi ответил в теме Setting "Filter Fields"
Данное сообщение содержит конфиденциальную информацию

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6 года 3 мес. назад #7515 от JoomLine
JoomLine ответил в теме Setting "Filter Fields"
Admin panel is unavailable, redirects to the main page of the site.

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6 года 3 мес. назад #7518 от ChLi
ChLi ответил в теме Setting "Filter Fields"
Данное сообщение содержит конфиденциальную информацию

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6 года 3 мес. назад #7520 от JoomLine
JoomLine ответил в теме Setting "Filter Fields"
It seems that I understood what your difficulty is, the module works only in the category of articles.

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6 года 3 мес. назад #7521 от ChLi
ChLi ответил в теме Setting "Filter Fields"
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh, great.

So the Information in your documentation "Select the position in which it is necessary to withdraw a module and binding to the menu items." means:

Menue -> Menue-Type = category-blog -> choose your category e.g. Produkte.

Thats it, great.

Thank you for your fantastic help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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6 года 3 мес. назад #7522 от JoomLine
JoomLine ответил в теме Setting "Filter Fields"
This means that the module should be displayed in the category in which it should filter.

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