Ошибка после установки Convead на joomla virtuemart

8 years 8 months ago #5734 by Максим

Установил плагин convead для joomla 2.5.28 virtuemart 2.6.22, включил плагин, и у меня перестал добавляться товар в корзину, отключил его. Быть может что-то подскажете, наверняка кто-то уже с этим сталкивался, очень хочется попробовать ваш сервис? Может какая инструкция более подробная есть. Сайт kamni-furnitura.ru

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8 years 8 months ago #5735 by JoomLine
Самая подробная инструкция, что есть. github.com/Convead/joomla_convead/blob/master/README.md

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8 years 8 months ago #5736 by Максим
к сожалению, у меня нет в этом файле такой строчки, быть может Вы поможете, куда моем файле это

Если у вас магазин на VirtueMart, то вам придется внести одно небольшое изменение в исходный код магазина:

Откройте файл components/com_virtuemart/helpers/cart.php
Найдите функцию public function add(...) {...}
В конце этой функции перед строчкой if ($updateSession== false) return false; вставьте следующий код:

/* Convead hack */
$dispatcher = JEventDispatcher::getInstance();
/* End Convead hack */

можно вставить


* Category model for the cart
* @package VirtueMart
* @subpackage Cart
* @author RolandD
* @author Max Milbers
* @link www.virtuemart.net
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2004 - 2013 VirtueMart Team. All rights reserved.
* @license www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* @version $Id: cart.php 6557 2012-10-17 19:16:22Z Milbo $
// Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla!
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

* Model class for the cart
* Very important, use ALWAYS the getCart function, to get the cart from the session
* @package VirtueMart
* @subpackage Cart
* @author Max Milbers
class VirtueMartCart {

// var $productIds = array();
var $products = array();
var $_inCheckOut = false;
var $_dataValidated = false;
var $_blockConfirm = false;
var $_confirmDone = false;
var $_inConfirm = false;
var $_redirect = false;
var $_redirect_disabled = false;
var $_lastError = null; // Used to pass errmsg to the cart using addJS()

var $vendorId = 1;
var $lastVisitedCategoryId = 0;
var $virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = 0;
var $virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = 0;
var $automaticSelectedShipment = false;
var $automaticSelectedPayment = false;
var $BT = 0;
var $ST = 0;
var $tosAccepted = false;
var $customer_comment = '';
var $couponCode = '';
var $order_language = '';
var $cartData = null;
var $lists = null;
var $order_number=null; // added to solve emptying cart for payment notification
var $order_pass=null;
var $virtuemart_order_id = false;
var $customer_number=null;
// var $user = null;
// var $prices = null;
var $pricesUnformatted = null;
var $pricesCurrency = null;
var $paymentCurrency = null;
var $STsameAsBT = TRUE;
var $productParentOrderable = TRUE;
var $_triesValidateCoupon = array();
var $layout ;
var $layoutPath='';

private static $_cart = null;

var $useSSL = 1;
// static $first = true;

private function __construct() {
$this->useSSL = VmConfig::get('useSSL',0);
$this->useXHTML = false;
$this->layout = VmConfig::get('cartlayout','default');

* @author Max Milbers
* @param bool $setCart: set the Cart into Session
* @param array $options : options for getSession
* @param null $cartData: if not empty, do no get the cart data from session
* @return null|VirtueMartCart
public static function getCart($setCart=true, $options = array(), $cartData=NULL) {

//What does this here? for json stuff?
if (!class_exists('JTable')
)require(JPATH_VM_LIBRARIES . DS . 'joomla' . DS . 'database' . DS . 'table.php');
// JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'tables');

if (empty($cartData)) {
$session = JFactory::getSession($options);
$cartSession = $session->get('vmcart', 0, 'vm');
} else {

if (!empty($cartSession)) {
$sessionCart = unserialize( $cartSession );

self::$_cart = new VirtueMartCart;

self::$_cart->products = $sessionCart->products;
self::$_cart->vendorId = $sessionCart->vendorId;
self::$_cart->lastVisitedCategoryId = $sessionCart->lastVisitedCategoryId;
self::$_cart->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = $sessionCart->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id;
self::$_cart->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = $sessionCart->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id;
self::$_cart->automaticSelectedShipment = $sessionCart->automaticSelectedShipment;
self::$_cart->automaticSelectedPayment = $sessionCart->automaticSelectedPayment;
self::$_cart->BT = $sessionCart->BT;
self::$_cart->ST = $sessionCart->ST;
self::$_cart->tosAccepted = $sessionCart->tosAccepted;
self::$_cart->customer_comment = base64_decode($sessionCart->customer_comment);
self::$_cart->couponCode = $sessionCart->couponCode;
self::$_cart->_triesValidateCoupon = $sessionCart->_triesValidateCoupon;
self::$_cart->order_language = $sessionCart->order_language;
self::$_cart->cartData = $sessionCart->cartData;
self::$_cart->order_number = $sessionCart->order_number;
self::$_cart->virtuemart_order_id = $sessionCart->virtuemart_order_id;
self::$_cart->lists = $sessionCart->lists;

self::$_cart->_inConfirm = $sessionCart->_inConfirm;
self::$_cart->pricesCurrency = $sessionCart->pricesCurrency;
self::$_cart->paymentCurrency = $sessionCart->paymentCurrency;

self::$_cart->_inCheckOut = $sessionCart->_inCheckOut;
self::$_cart->_dataValidated = $sessionCart->_dataValidated;
self::$_cart->_confirmDone = $sessionCart->_confirmDone;
self::$_cart->STsameAsBT = $sessionCart->STsameAsBT;
self::$_cart->customer_number = $sessionCart->customer_number;
self::$_cart->layout = $sessionCart->layout;
self::$_cart->layoutPath = $sessionCart->layoutPath;


self::$_cart = new VirtueMartCart;

if ( $setCart == true ) {

return self::$_cart;

* Set non product info in object
public function setPreferred() {

$userModel = VmModel::getModel('user');
$user = $userModel->getCurrentUser();

if (empty($this->BT) || (!empty($this->BT) && count($this->BT) <=1) ) {
foreach ($user->userInfo as $address) {
if ($address->address_type == 'BT') {
$this->saveAddressInCart((array) $address, $address->address_type,false);

if (empty($this->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id) && !empty($user->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id)) {
$this->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = $user->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id;

if (empty($this->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id) && !empty($user->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id)) {
$this->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = $user->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id;

//$this->tosAccepted is due session stuff always set to 0, so testing for null does not work
if((!empty($user->agreed) || !empty($this->BT)) && !VmConfig::get('agree_to_tos_onorder',0) ){
$this->tosAccepted = 1;

//if(empty($this->customer_number) or ($user->virtuemart_user_id!=0 and strpos($this->customer_number,'nonreg_')!==FALSE ) ){
if($user->virtuemart_user_id!=0 and empty($this->customer_number) or strpos($this->customer_number,'nonreg_')!==FALSE){
$this->customer_number = $userModel ->getCustomerNumberById();

if(empty($this->customer_number) or strpos($this->customer_number,'nonreg_')!==FALSE){
$firstName = empty($this->BT)? '':$this->BT;
$lastName = empty($this->BT)? '':$this->BT;
$email = empty($this->BT)? '':$this->BT;
$this->customer_number = 'nonreg_'.$firstName.$lastName.$email;


* Set the cart in the session
* @author RolandD
* @access public
public function setCartIntoSession() {

$session = JFactory::getSession();

$sessionCart = new stdClass();

$products = array();
if ($this->products) {
foreach($this->products as $key =>$product){

//Important DO NOT UNSET product_price


// $sessionCart->products = $products;
$sessionCart->products = $this->products;
// echo '<pre>'.print_r($products,1).'</pre>';die;
$sessionCart->vendorId = $this->vendorId;
$sessionCart->lastVisitedCategoryId = $this->lastVisitedCategoryId;
$sessionCart->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = $this->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id;
$sessionCart->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = $this->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id;
$sessionCart->automaticSelectedShipment = $this->automaticSelectedShipment;
$sessionCart->automaticSelectedPayment = $this->automaticSelectedPayment;
$sessionCart->order_number = $this->order_number;
$sessionCart->virtuemart_order_id = $this->virtuemart_order_id;

$sessionCart->BT = $this->BT;
$sessionCart->ST = $this->ST;
$sessionCart->tosAccepted = $this->tosAccepted;
$sessionCart->customer_comment = base64_encode($this->customer_comment);
$sessionCart->couponCode = $this->couponCode;
$sessionCart->_triesValidateCoupon = $this->_triesValidateCoupon;
$sessionCart->order_language = $this->order_language;
$sessionCart->cartData = $this->cartData;
$sessionCart->lists = $this->lists;

$sessionCart->pricesCurrency = $this->pricesCurrency;
$sessionCart->paymentCurrency = $this->paymentCurrency;

//private variables
$sessionCart->_inConfirm = $this->_inConfirm;
$sessionCart->_inCheckOut = $this->_inCheckOut;
$sessionCart->_dataValidated = $this->_dataValidated;
$sessionCart->_confirmDone = $this->_confirmDone;
$sessionCart->STsameAsBT = $this->STsameAsBT;
$sessionCart->customer_number = $this->customer_number;
$sessionCart->layout = $this->layout;
$sessionCart->layoutPath = $this->layoutPath;

foreach($sessionCart->pricesUnformatted as &$prices){
foreach($prices as &$price){
$price = (string)$price;
} else {
$prices = (string)$prices;

// $pr = serialize($sessionCart->pricesUnformatted);
// vmdebug('$sessionCart',$sessionCart);
$session->set('vmcart', serialize($sessionCart),'vm');


* Remove the cart from the session
* @author Max Milbers
* @access public
public function removeCartFromSession() {
$session = JFactory::getSession();
$session->set('vmcart', 0, 'vm');

public function setDataValidation($valid=false) {
$this->_dataValidated = $valid;
// $this->setCartIntoSession();

public function getDataValidated() {
return $this->_dataValidated;

public function getInCheckOut() {
return $this->_inCheckOut;

public function setOutOfCheckout(){
$this->_inCheckOut = false;
$this->_dataValidated = false;
$this->_inConfirm = false;

public function blockConfirm(){
$this->_blockConfirm = true;

* Set the last error that occured.
* This is used on error to pass back to the cart when addJS() is invoked.
* @param string $txt Error message
* @author Oscar van Eijk
private function setError($txt) {
$this->_lastError = $txt;

* Retrieve the last error message
* @return string The last error message that occured
* @author Oscar van Eijk
public function getError() {
return ($this->_lastError);

* For one page checkouts, disable with this the redirects
* @param bool $bool
public function setRedirectDisabled($bool = TRUE){
$this->_redirect_disabled = $bool;

* Add a product to the cart
* @author RolandD
* @author Max Milbers
* @access public
public function add($virtuemart_product_ids=null,&$errorMsg='') {
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$success = false;
$post = JRequest::get('default');

$virtuemart_product_ids = JRequest::getVar('virtuemart_product_id', array(), 'default', 'array'); //is sanitized then

if (empty($virtuemart_product_ids)) {
$mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_ERROR_NO_PRODUCT_IDS', false));
return false;

$pModel = VmModel::getModel('product');
$products = array();

//Iterate through the prod_id's and perform an add to cart for each one
foreach ($virtuemart_product_ids as $p_key => $virtuemart_product_id) {

$quantityPost = (int) $post[$p_key];

if($quantityPost === 0) continue;

$tmpProduct = $pModel->getProduct($virtuemart_product_id, true, false,true,$quantityPost);
$products[] = $tmpProduct;

if ( VmConfig::get('oncheckout_show_images',1)){

// trying to save some space in the session table
$product = new stdClass();
$product -> virtuemart_manufacturer_id = $tmpProduct -> virtuemart_manufacturer_id;
// $product -> mf_name = $tmpProduct -> mf_name;
$product -> slug = $tmpProduct -> slug;
// $product -> mf_desc = $tmpProduct -> mf_desc;
// $product -> mf_url = $tmpProduct -> mf_url;
$product -> published = $tmpProduct -> published;

$product -> virtuemart_product_price_id = $tmpProduct -> virtuemart_product_price_id;
$product -> virtuemart_product_id = $tmpProduct -> virtuemart_product_id;
$product -> virtuemart_shoppergroup_id = $tmpProduct -> virtuemart_shoppergroup_id;
$product -> product_price = $tmpProduct -> product_price;
$product -> override = $tmpProduct -> override;
$product -> product_override_price = $tmpProduct -> product_override_price;

$product -> product_tax_id = $tmpProduct -> product_tax_id;
$product -> product_discount_id = $tmpProduct -> product_discount_id;
$product -> product_currency = $tmpProduct -> product_currency;
// $product -> product_price_vdate = $tmpProduct -> product_price_vdate;
// $product -> product_price_edate = $tmpProduct -> product_price_edate;
$product -> virtuemart_vendor_id = $tmpProduct -> virtuemart_vendor_id;
$product -> product_parent_id = $tmpProduct -> product_parent_id;
$product -> product_sku = $tmpProduct -> product_sku;
$product -> product_name = $tmpProduct -> product_name;
$product -> product_s_desc = $tmpProduct -> product_s_desc;

$product -> product_weight = $tmpProduct -> product_weight;
$product -> product_weight_uom = $tmpProduct -> product_weight_uom;
$product -> product_length = $tmpProduct -> product_length;
$product -> product_width = $tmpProduct -> product_width;
$product -> product_height = $tmpProduct -> product_height;
$product -> product_lwh_uom = $tmpProduct -> product_lwh_uom;

$product -> product_in_stock = $tmpProduct -> product_in_stock;
$product -> product_ordered = $tmpProduct -> product_ordered;
$product -> product_available_date = $tmpProduct -> product_available_date;
$product -> product_availability = $tmpProduct -> product_availability;

$product -> product_sales = $tmpProduct -> product_sales;
$product -> product_unit = $tmpProduct -> product_unit;
$product -> product_packaging = $tmpProduct -> product_packaging;
$product -> min_order_level = $tmpProduct -> min_order_level;
$product -> max_order_level = $tmpProduct -> max_order_level;
$product -> virtuemart_media_id = $tmpProduct -> virtuemart_media_id;
$product -> step_order_level= $tmpProduct ->step_order_level;

if(!empty($tmpProduct ->images)) $product->image = $tmpProduct -> images[0];

$product -> categories = $tmpProduct -> categories;
$product -> virtuemart_category_id = $tmpProduct -> virtuemart_category_id;
$product -> category_name = $tmpProduct -> category_name;

$product -> link = $tmpProduct -> link;
$product -> packaging = $tmpProduct -> packaging;

if (!empty($tmpProduct -> customfieldsCart) ) $product -> customfieldsCart = true; //why do we have this here?

//Why reloading the product wiht same name $product ?
// passed all from $tmpProduct and relaoding it second time ????
// $tmpProduct = $this->getProduct((int) $virtuemart_product_id); seee before !!!
// $product = $this->getProduct((int) $virtuemart_product_id);
// Who ever noted that, yes that is exactly right that way, before we have a full object, with all functions
// of all its parents, we only need the data of the product, so we create a dummy class which contains only the data
// This is extremly important for performance reasons, else the sessions becomes too big.
// Check if we have a product
if ($product) {
if(!empty( $post[$p_key])){
$virtuemart_category_idPost = (int) $post[$p_key];
$product->virtuemart_category_id = $virtuemart_category_idPost;

$productKey = $product->virtuemart_product_id;
//VmConfig::$echoDebug = true;
//vmdebug('$post["customPrice"] ',$post);
// changed name field you know exactly was this is
if (isset($post)) {

$product->customPrices = $post;
if (isset($post)){


$customPlugins = (array) $post;
} else {
$customPlugins = $post;

foreach($customPlugins as &$customPlugin){
foreach($customPlugin as &$customParams){
foreach($customParams as &$customParam){
/* the plugin returned an array of values */
foreach ($customParam as &$customParamItem) {
$value = JComponentHelper::filterText($customParamItem);
$value = (string)preg_replace('#on[a-z](.+?)\)#si','',$value);//replace start of script onclick() onload()...
$value = trim(str_replace('"', ' ', $value),"'") ;
$customParamItem = (string)preg_replace('#^\'#si','',$value);
} else {
$value = JComponentHelper::filterText($customParam);
$value = (string)preg_replace('#on[a-z](.+?)\)#si','',$value);//replace start of script onclick() onload()...
$value = trim(str_replace('"', ' ', $value),"'") ;
$customParam = (string)preg_replace('#^\'#si','',$value);
//$value = vmFilter::hl( $customPl,array('deny_attribute'=>'*'));
//to strong
/* $value = preg_replace('@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si','',$value);//remove all html tags */
//lets use instead


$product->customPlugin = json_encode($customPlugins);


$productKey .= '::';

foreach ($product->customPrices as $customPrice) {
$found = false;
foreach ($customPrice as $customId => $custom_fieldId) {
vmdebug('The $customId => $custom_fieldId '.$productKey,$customId,$custom_fieldId);
if ( is_array($custom_fieldId) ) {
foreach ($custom_fieldId as $userfieldId => $userfield) {
//$productKey .= (int)$customId . ':' . (int)$userfieldId . ';';
//$productKey .= (int)$custom_fieldId . ':' .(int)$customId . ';';
foreach($tmpProduct -> customfieldsCart as $k => $customfieldsCart){
if(isset($customfieldsCart->options) and is_array($customfieldsCart->options)){
$keys= array_keys($customfieldsCart->options);
foreach( $keys as $virtuemart_customfield_id){
$productKey .= (int)$custom_fieldId . ':' .(int)$customId . ';';
unset($tmpProduct -> customfieldsCart[$k]);
$found = true;
} else {
$productKey .= (int)$custom_fieldId . ':' .(int)$customId . ';';
unset($tmpProduct -> customfieldsCart[$k]);
$found = true;
} else {
//TODO productCartId
foreach($tmpProduct -> customfieldsCart as $k => $customfieldsCart){
if(isset($customfieldsCart->options) and is_array($customfieldsCart->options)){
$keys= array_keys($customfieldsCart->options);
foreach( $keys as $virtuemart_customfield_id){
$productKey .= (int)$custom_fieldId . ':' .(int)$customId . ';';
unset($tmpProduct -> customfieldsCart[$k]);
$found = true;
} else {
$productKey .= (int)$custom_fieldId . ':' .(int)$customId . ';';
unset($tmpProduct -> customfieldsCart[$k]);
$found = true;


foreach($tmpProduct -> customfieldsCart as $k => $cfCart){
$productKey .= (int)$cfCart->virtuemart_customfield_id . ':' . (int) $cfCart->virtuemart_custom_id . ';';
vmdebug('The $product->customPrice as $customId => $custom_fieldId '.$productKey,$cfCart);
$found = true;

vmdebug('Cart variant was not found and no fallback found',$tmpProduct -> customfieldsCart,$customfieldsCart);
vmError('Cart variant was not found and no fallback found');


// Add in the quantity in case the customfield plugins need it
$product->quantity = (int)$quantityPost;

if(!class_exists('vmCustomPlugin')) require(JPATH_VM_PLUGINS.DS.'vmcustomplugin.php');
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
// on returning false the product have not to be added to cart
$addToCartReturnValues = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnAddToCart',array(&$product));
foreach ($addToCartReturnValues as $returnValue) {
if ( $returnValue === false )
continue 2;

if (array_key_exists($productKey, $this->products) && (empty($product->customPlugin)) ) {

$totalQuantity = $this->products[$productKey]->quantity+ $quantityPost;
if ($this->checkForQuantities($product,$totalQuantity ,$errorMsg)) {
$this->products[$productKey]->quantity = $totalQuantity;

} else {

} else {
if ( !empty($product->customPlugin)) {
$productKey .= count($this->products);

if ($this->checkForQuantities($product, $quantityPost,$errorMsg)) {
$this->products[$productKey] = $product;
$product->quantity = $quantityPost;

} else {
$success = true;
} else {
$mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND', false));
return false;
if ($success== false) return false ;
// End Iteration through Prod id's
return $products;

* Remove a product from the cart
* @author RolandD
* @param array $cart_id the cart IDs to remove from the cart
* @access public
public function removeProductCart($prod_id=0) {
// Check for cart IDs
if (empty($prod_id))
$prod_id = JRequest::getVar('cart_virtuemart_product_id');
// hook for plugin action "remove from cart"
if(!class_exists('vmCustomPlugin')) require(JPATH_VM_PLUGINS.DS.'vmcustomplugin.php');
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$addToCartReturnValues = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnRemoveFromCart',array($this,$prod_id));

return true;

* Update a product in the cart
* @author Max Milbers
* @param array $cart_id the cart IDs to remove from the cart
* @access public
public function updateProductCart($cart_virtuemart_product_id=0,$quantity = null) {

if (empty($cart_virtuemart_product_id)) $cart_virtuemart_product_id = vRequest::getString('cart_virtuemart_product_id');
if ($quantity === null) $quantity = vRequest::getInt('quantity');

$updated = false;
if (array_key_exists($cart_virtuemart_product_id, $this->products)) {
if (!empty($quantity)) {
if ($this->checkForQuantities($this->products[$cart_virtuemart_product_id], $quantity)) {
$this->products[$cart_virtuemart_product_id]->quantity = $quantity;
$updated = true;
} else {
//Todo when quantity is 0, the product should be removed, maybe necessary to gather in array and execute delete func
$updated = true;
// Save the cart

if ($updated)
return true;
return false;

* Get the category ID from a product ID
* @author RolandD, Patrick Kohl
* @access public
* @return mixed if found the category ID else null
public function getCardCategoryId($virtuemart_product_id) {
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$q = 'SELECT `virtuemart_category_id` FROM `#__virtuemart_product_categories` WHERE `virtuemart_product_id` = ' . (int) $virtuemart_product_id . ' LIMIT 1';
return $db->loadResult();

/** Checks if the quantity is correct
* @author Max Milbers
private function checkForQuantities($product, &$quantity=0,&$errorMsg ='') {

$stockhandle = VmConfig::get('stockhandle','none');
// Check for a valid quantity
if (!is_numeric( $quantity)) {
// $this->_error[] = 'Quantity was not a number';
return false;
// Check for negative quantity
if ($quantity < 1) {
// $this->_error[] = 'Quantity under zero';
return false;

// update the stock info from the database
$product_model = VmModel::getModel('product');
$product = $product_model->getProduct($product->virtuemart_product_id);

// Check to see if checking stock quantity
if ($stockhandle!='none' && $stockhandle!='risetime') {

$productsleft = $product->product_in_stock - $product->product_ordered;
// TODO $productsleft = $product->product_in_stock - $product->product_ordered - $quantityincart ;
if ($quantity > $productsleft ){
if($productsleft>0 and $stockhandle=='disableadd'){
$quantity = $productsleft;
$errorMsg = JText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_PRODUCT_OUT_OF_QUANTITY',$quantity);
vmInfo($errorMsg.' '.$product->product_name);
// $mainframe->enqueueMessage($errorMsg);
} else {
$this->setError($errorMsg); // Private error retrieved with getError is used only by addJS, so only the latest is fine
// todo better key string
vmInfo($errorMsg. ' '.$product->product_name);
// $mainframe->enqueueMessage($errorMsg);
return false;

// Check for the minimum and maximum quantities
$min = $product->min_order_level;
if ($min != 0 && $quantity < $min) {
$errorMsg = JText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_MIN_ORDER', $min);
return false;

$max = $product->max_order_level;
if ($max != 0 && $quantity > $max) {
$errorMsg = JText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_MAX_ORDER', $max);
return false;

$step = $product->step_order_level;
if ($step != 0 && ($quantity%$step)!= 0) {
$errorMsg = JText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_STEP_ORDER', $step);
return false;
return true;

* Validate the coupon code. If ok,. set it in the cart
* @param string $coupon_code Coupon code as entered by the user
* @author Oscar van Eijk
* TODO Change the coupon total/used in DB ?
* @access public
* @return string On error the message text, otherwise an empty string
public function setCouponCode($coupon_code) {
if(empty($coupon_code)) return false;
if (!class_exists('CouponHelper')) {
require(JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'coupon.php');

$this->_triesValidateCoupon[] = $coupon_code;

$msg = CouponHelper::ValidateCouponCode($coupon_code, $this->pricesUnformatted);;
} else{

if (!empty($msg)) {
$this->couponCode = '';
$this->_dataValidated = false;
$this->_blockConfirm = true;
return $msg;
$this->couponCode = $coupon_code;


* Check the selected shipment data and store the info in the cart
* @param integer $shipment_id Shipment ID taken from the form data
* @author Oscar van Eijk
public function setShipment($shipment_id) {

$this->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = $shipment_id;


public function setPaymentMethod($virtuemart_paymentmethod_id) {
$this->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = $virtuemart_paymentmethod_id;

function confirmDone() {

if ($this->_dataValidated) {
$this->_confirmDone = true;
} else {
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart', FALSE), JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_CHECKOUT_DATA_NOT_VALID'));

function checkout($redirect=true) {


if ($this->_dataValidated && $redirect) {
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart', FALSE), JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_CHECKOUT_DONE_CONFIRM_ORDER'));


private function redirecter($relUrl,$redirectMsg){

$this->_dataValidated = false;
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
if($this->_redirect and !$this->_redirect_disabled){

//This is an internal redirect, therefore $this->useXHTML is always false
$app->redirect(JRoute::_($relUrl,false,$this->useSSL), $redirectMsg);
return false;
} else {
$this->_inCheckOut = false;
return false;

public function getFilterCustomerComment(){

$this->customer_comment = JRequest::getVar('customer_comment', $this->customer_comment);
// no HTML TAGS but permit all alphabet
$value = preg_replace('@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si','',$this->customer_comment);//remove all html tags
$value = (string)preg_replace('#on[a-z](.+?)\)#si','',$value);//replace start of script onclick() onload()...
$value = trim(str_replace('"', ' ', $value),"'") ;
$this->customer_comment = (string)preg_replace('#^\'#si','',$value);//replace ' at start

private function checkoutData($redirect = true) {

$this->_redirect = $redirect;
$this->_inCheckOut = true;
$this->tosAccepted = JRequest::getInt('tosAccepted', $this->tosAccepted);
$this->STsameAsBT = JRequest::getInt('STsameAsBT', $this->STsameAsBT);
$this->order_language = JRequest::getVar('order_language', $this->order_language);

$this->cartData = $this->prepareCartData();

if (count($this->products) == 0) {
return $this->redirecter('index.php?option=com_virtuemart', JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_NO_PRODUCT'));
} else {
foreach ($this->products as $product) {
$redirectMsg = $this->checkForQuantities($product, $product->quantity);
if (!$redirectMsg) {
return $this->redirecter('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart', $redirectMsg);

// Check if a minimun purchase value is set
if (($redirectMsg = $this->checkPurchaseValue()) != null) {
return $this->redirecter('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart' , $redirectMsg);

$validUserDataBT = self::validateUserData();

$userFieldsModel = VmModel::getModel('Userfields');
$agreed = $userFieldsModel->getUserfield('agreed','name');
$this->tosAccepted = $agreed->default;
if (empty($this->tosAccepted)) {

$userFieldsModel = VmModel::getModel('Userfields');
$agreed = $userFieldsModel->getUserfield('agreed','name');

if(empty($this->tosAccepted) and !empty($agreed->required) and $validUserDataBT!==-1){
$redirectMsg = null;// JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_PLEASE_ACCEPT_TOS');
$this->tosAccepted = false;
return $this->redirecter('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart' , $redirectMsg);

if ($validUserDataBT!==true) { //Important, we can have as result -1,false and true.
return $this->redirecter('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=user&task=editaddresscheckout&addrtype=BT' , '');

$this->ST = $this->BT;
} else {
$this->ST = 0;

} else {
if (($this->selected_shipto = JRequest::getVar('shipto', null)) !== null) {
JModel::addIncludePath(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models');
$userModel = JModel::getInstance('user', 'VirtueMartModel');
$stData = $userModel->getUserAddressList(0, 'ST', $this->selected_shipto);
$stData = get_object_vars($stData[0]);
if($this->validateUserData('ST', $stData)!=-1 and $this->validateUserData('ST', $stData)>0){
$this->ST = $stData;
//Only when there is an ST data, test if all necessary fields are filled
$validUserDataST = self::validateUserData('ST');
if ($validUserDataST!==true) {
return $this->redirecter('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=user&task=editaddresscheckout&addrtype=ST' , '');


if(VmConfig::get('oncheckout_only_registered',0)) {
$currentUser = JFactory::getUser();
return $this->redirecter('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=user&task=editaddresscheckout&addrtype=BT' , $redirectMsg);

//vmdebug('ValidateCouponCode ValidateCouponCode ValidateCouponCode',$this->couponCode);
// Test Coupon
if (!empty($this->couponCode)) {
//$prices = $this->getCartPrices();
if (!class_exists('CouponHelper')) {
require(JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'coupon.php');
$this->_triesValidateCoupon[] = $this->couponCode;
$redirectMsg = CouponHelper::ValidateCouponCode($this->couponCode, $this->pricesUnformatted);
} else{

if (!empty($redirectMsg)) {
$this->couponCode = '';
return $this->redirecter('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart' , $redirectMsg);
$redirectMsg = '';

//Test Shipment and show shipment plugin
if (empty($this->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id)) {
return $this->redirecter('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart&task=edit_shipment' , $redirectMsg);
} else if ($this->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id != JRequest::getInt('virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id', $this->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id)) {
$obj = new VirtueMartControllerCart();
return $this->redirecter('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart' , $redirectMsg);
} else {
if (!class_exists('vmPSPlugin')) require(JPATH_VM_PLUGINS . DS . 'vmpsplugin.php');
//Add a hook here for other shipment methods, checking the data of the choosed plugin
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$retValues = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnCheckoutCheckDataShipment', array( $this));
//vmdebug('plgVmOnCheckoutCheckDataShipment CART', $retValues);
foreach ($retValues as $retVal) {
if ($retVal === true) {
break; // Plugin completed succesfull; nothing else to do
} elseif ($retVal === false) {
// Missing data, ask for it (again)
return $this->redirecter('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart&task=edit_shipment' , $redirectMsg);
// NOTE: inactive plugins will always return null, so that value cannot be used for anything else!

//Test Payment and show payment plugin
if (empty($this->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id)) {
return $this->redirecter('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart&task=editpayment' , $redirectMsg);
} else if ($this->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id != JRequest::getInt('virtuemart_paymentmethod_id', $this->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id)) {
vmdebug('checkoutData $this->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id not equal request',$this->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id);
$obj = new VirtueMartControllerCart();
return $this->redirecter('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart' , $redirectMsg);
} else {
if(!class_exists('vmPSPlugin')) require(JPATH_VM_PLUGINS.DS.'vmpsplugin.php');
//Add a hook here for other payment methods, checking the data of the choosed plugin
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$retValues = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnCheckoutCheckDataPayment', array( $this));

foreach ($retValues as $retVal) {
if ($retVal === true) {
break; // Plugin completed succesful; nothing else to do
} elseif ($retVal === false) {
// Missing data, ask for it (again)
vmdebug('checkoutData payment plugin is missing data, trigger plgVmOnCheckoutCheckDataPayment',$this->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id);
return $this->redirecter('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart&task=editpayment' , $redirectMsg);
// NOTE: inactive plugins will always return null, so that value cannot be used for anything else!

//Show cart and checkout data overview
$this->_inCheckOut = false;

$this->_dataValidated = false;
return $this->redirecter('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart','');
} else {

$this->_dataValidated = true;
return true;


* Check if a minimum purchase value for this order has been set, and if so, if the current
* value is equal or hight than that value.
* @author Oscar van Eijk
* @return An error message when a minimum value was set that was not eached, null otherwise
private function checkPurchaseValue() {

$vendor = VmModel::getModel('vendor');
$store = $vendor->getVendor();
if ($store->vendor_min_pov > 0) {
$prices = $this->getCartPrices();
if ($prices < $store->vendor_min_pov) {
if (!class_exists('CurrencyDisplay'))
require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'currencydisplay.php');
$currency = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance();
return JText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_MIN_PURCHASE', $currency->priceDisplay($store->vendor_min_pov));
return null;

* Test userdata if valid
* @author Max Milbers
* @param String if BT or ST
* @param Object If given, an object with data address data that must be formatted to an array
* @return redirectMsg, if there is a redirectMsg, the redirect should be executed after
private function validateUserData($type='BT', $obj = null) {

$obj = $this->{$type};

$usersModel = VmModel::getModel('user');

return $usersModel->validateUserData($obj,$type);


* This function is called, when the order is confirmed by the shopper.
* Here are the last checks done by payment plugins.
* The mails are created and send to vendor and shopper
* will show the orderdone page (thank you page)
function confirmedOrder() {

//Just to prevent direct call
if ($this->_dataValidated && $this->_confirmDone and !$this->_inCheckOut ) {

vmdebug('Already in CONFIRM,.. RETURN');
return false;

//We set this in the trigger of the plugin. so old plugins keep the old behaviour
//$this->_inConfirm = true;

$orderModel = VmModel::getModel('orders');

if (($this->virtuemart_order_id = $orderModel->createOrderFromCart($this)) === false) {
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
JError::raiseWarning(500, 'No order created '.$orderModel->getError());
$mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart', FALSE) );

$orderDetails = $orderModel ->getMyOrderDetails($this->virtuemart_order_id,$this->order_number,$this->order_pass);

if(!$orderDetails or empty($orderDetails)){
$orderModel->notifyCustomer($this->virtuemart_order_id, $orderDetails);
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();


$returnValues = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmConfirmedOrder', array($this, $orderDetails));

$lifetime = (24 * 60 * 60) * 180; //180 days

foreach($orderDetails as $product){
//We set a cookie for guests to allow that they can rate/review a product without logging in.
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$key = 'productBought'.$product->virtuemart_product_id;
$v = vmCrypt::encrypt($key);
$app->input->cookie->set($key,$v,time() + $lifetime,'/');

// may be redirect is done by the payment plugin (eg: paypal)
// if payment plugin echos a form, false = nothing happen, true= echo form ,
// 1 = cart should be emptied, 0 cart should not be emptied
$this->_inConfirm = false;
return $this->virtuemart_order_id;
return NULL;

* emptyCart: Used for payment handling.
* @author Valerie Cartan Isaksen
public function emptyCart(){



* emptyCart: Used for payment handling.
* @author Valerie Cartan Isaksen
static public function emptyCartValues($cart){

//We delete the old stuff
$cart->products = array();
$cart->_inCheckOut = false;
$cart->_dataValidated = false;
$cart->_confirmDone = false;
$cart->customer_comment = '';
$cart->couponCode = '';
$cart->order_language = '';
$cart->tosAccepted = null;
$cart->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = 0; //OSP 2012-03-14
$cart->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = 0;
$cart->pricesUnformatted = null;
$cart->cartData = null;
$cart->_inConfirm = false;

function saveAddressInCart($data, $type, $putIntoSession = true) {

//vmdebug('email $data',$data);
// VirtueMartModelUserfields::getUserFields() won't work
if(!class_exists('VirtueMartModelUserfields')) require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'models'.DS.'userfields.php' );
$userFieldsModel = VmModel::getModel('userfields');
$prefix = '';

$prepareUserFields = $userFieldsModel->getUserFieldsFor('cart',$type);

$data = get_object_vars($data);
//STaddress may be obsolete
if ($type == 'STaddress' || $type =='ST') {
$prefix = 'shipto_';
$this->STsameAsBT = 0;
} else { // BT
$this->tosAccepted = $data;

$jUser = JFactory::getUser();
$address = $jUser->email;
//vmdebug('email was empty',$address);

$address = array();
foreach ($prepareUserFields as $fld) {
$name = $fld->name;
vmdebug(' saveAddressInCart ',$data[$prefix.$name]);

$address[$name] = $data[$prefix.$name];
} else {
if($fld->required and isset($this->{$type}[$name])){ //Why we have this fallback to the already stored value?
$address[$name] = $this->{$type}[$name];
} else {
vmdebug('saveAddressInCart empty value for $name='.$name);
$address[$name] = '';

//dont store passwords in the session

$this->{$type} = $address;



* Returns ST address considering the set options, with fallback
* @author Max Milbers
public function getST($name=0,$FBBT=true){

$addr = $this->ST;

if($this->STsameAsBT == 0){
$addr = $this->BT;
} else if($this->ST == 0){
$addr = $this->BT;
} else {
$addr = $this->BT;

return isset($addr[$name]) ? $addr[$name] : '';
} else {
return $addr!==0 ? $addr : array();


* CheckAutomaticSelectedShipment
* If only one shipment is available for this amount, then automatically select it
* @author Valérie Isaksen
function CheckAutomaticSelectedShipment($cart_prices, $checkAutomaticSelected ) {

if (!$checkAutomaticSelected or count($this->products) == 0 or VmConfig::get('automatic_shipment','1')!='1') {
return false;

$nbShipment = 0;
$virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = 0;
if (!class_exists('vmPSPlugin')) {
require(JPATH_VM_PLUGINS . DS . 'vmpsplugin.php');
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$returnValues = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnCheckAutomaticSelectedShipment', array( $this,$cart_prices, &$shipCounter));

foreach ($returnValues as $returnValue) {
if ( isset($returnValue )) {
$nbShipment ++;
if ($returnValue) $virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = $returnValue;
if ($nbShipment==1 && $virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id) {
$this->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = $virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id;
return true;
} else {
$this->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = 0;
/*//iStraxx QuicknDirty Fix, sets shipment automatically even if more available, but does not check for conditions.
$aship = VmConfig::get('set_automatic_shipment','0');
if(!empty($aship) and empty($this->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id)){
$this->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = $aship;
} else if($this->automaticSelectedShipment){
$this->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = 0;
return $this->automaticSelectedShipment;*/
return false;


* CheckAutomaticSelectedPayment
* If only one payment is available for this amount, then automatically select it
* @author Valérie Isaksen
function CheckAutomaticSelectedPayment($cart_prices, $checkAutomaticSelected=true) {

$nbPayment = 0;

if ($checkAutomaticSelected and VmConfig::get('automatic_payment','1')=='1' ) {
if(!class_exists('vmPSPlugin')) require(JPATH_VM_PLUGINS.DS.'vmpsplugin.php');
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$returnValues = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnCheckAutomaticSelectedPayment', array( $this, $cart_prices, &$paymentCounter));
foreach ($returnValues as $returnValue) {
if ( isset($returnValue )) {
if($returnValue) $virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = $returnValue;
if ($nbPayment==1 && $virtuemart_paymentmethod_id) {
$this->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = $virtuemart_paymentmethod_id;
return true;
} else {
$this->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = 0;

return false;
} else {
return false;


* CheckShipmentIsValid:
* check if the selected shipment is still valid for this new cart
* @author Valerie Isaksen
function CheckShipmentIsValid() {
if ($this->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id===0)
$shipmentValid = false;
if (!class_exists('vmPSPlugin')) require(JPATH_VM_PLUGINS . DS . 'vmpsplugin.php');

$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$returnValues = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnCheckShipmentIsValid', array( $this));
foreach ($returnValues as $returnValue) {
$shipmentValid += $returnValue;
if (!$shipmentValid) {
$this->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = 0;

* Prepare the datas for cart/mail views
* set product, price, user, adress and vendor as Object
* @author Patrick Kohl
* @author Valerie Isaksen
function prepareCartViewData(){

// Get the products for the cart

$this->prepareCartPrice( ) ;
$this->cartData = $this->prepareCartData();


* prepare display of cart
* @author RolandD
* @author Max Milbers
* @access public
public function prepareCartData($checkAutomaticSelected=true){
// Get the products for the cart
} else{
// Get the products for the cart, the setCouponCode does it for us

if (empty($this->pricesUnformatted)) return null;

if(!class_exists('CurrencyDisplay')) require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'helpers'.DS.'currencydisplay.php');
$currency = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance();

$calculator = calculationHelper::getInstance();

$this->pricesCurrency = $currency->getCurrencyForDisplay();

if(!class_exists('vmPSPlugin')) require(JPATH_VM_PLUGINS.DS.'vmpsplugin.php');
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$returnValues = $dispatcher->trigger('plgVmgetPaymentCurrency', array( $this->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id, &$this->paymentCurrency));
$cartData = $calculator->getCartData();

return $cartData ;

private function prepareCartPrice( ){

$productM = VmModel::getModel('product');
$usermodel = VmModel::getModel ('user');
$currentVMuser = $usermodel->getCurrentUser ();
$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids = (array)$currentVMuser->shopper_groups;
} else {
$virtuemart_shoppergroup_ids = $currentVMuser->shopper_groups;

foreach ($this->products as $cart_item_id=>&$product){

$product->virtuemart_category_id = $this->getCardCategoryId($product->virtuemart_product_id);
//$product = $productM->getProduct($product->virtuemart_product_id,true, true, true, $product->quantity);

// No full link because Mail want absolute path and in shop is better relative path
$product->url = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id='.$product->virtuemart_product_id.'&virtuemart_category_id='.$product->virtuemart_category_id, FALSE);//JHTML::link($url, $product->product_name);
$product->customfields = VirtueMartModelCustomfields::CustomsFieldCartDisplay($cart_item_id,$product);
} else {
$product->customfields ='';
$product->cart_item_id = $cart_item_id ;

* Function Description
* @author Max Milbers
* @access public
* @param array $cart the cart to get the products for
* @return array of product objects
// $this->pricesUnformatted = $product_prices;

public function getCartPrices($checkAutomaticSelected=true ) {

if(!class_exists('calculationHelper')) require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'helpers'.DS.'calculationh.php');
$calculator = calculationHelper::getInstance();

$this->pricesUnformatted = $calculator->getCheckoutPrices($this, $checkAutomaticSelected);

return $this->pricesUnformatted;

function prepareAddressDataInCart($type='BT',$new = false, $virtuemart_user_id=null){

$userFieldsModel =VmModel::getModel('Userfields');

$data = null;
} else {
$data = (object)$this->$type;
$preFix = 'shipto_';
} else {
$preFix = '';

$addresstype = $type.'address'; //for example BTaddress
$userFieldsBT = $userFieldsModel->getUserFieldsFor('cart',$type);
$address = $this->$addresstype = $userFieldsModel->getUserFieldsFilled(
if(empty($this->$type) and $type=='BT'){
$tmp =&$this->$type ;
$tmp = array();
foreach($address as $k =>$field){
if(isset($address[$k]) and !isset($tmp)){
$tmp = $address[$k];
} else if($k=='virtuemart_state_id') {
if(isset($address[$k]) and !isset($tmp)){
$tmp = $address[$k];
} else if (!empty($address[$k])){
$tmp[$k] = $address[$k];
//vmdebug('Values was empty for key '.$k.', set value to default'.$address[$k]);
//$this->$type = $tmp;
if(!empty($this->ST) && $type!=='ST'){
$data = (object)$this->ST;
$data = null;
$userFieldsST = $userFieldsModel->getUserFieldsFor('cart','ST');
$this->STaddress = $userFieldsModel->getUserFieldsFilled(


function prepareAddressRadioSelection(){

//Just in case
$this->user = VmModel::getModel('user');

$this->userDetails = $this->user->getUser();

$_addressBT = array();

// Shipment address(es)
$_addressBT = $this->user->getUserAddressList($this->userDetails->JUser->get('id') , 'BT');

// Overwrite the address name for display purposes
if(empty($_addressBT[0])) $_addressBT[0] = new stdClass();
$_addressBT[0]->address_type_name = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_ACC_BILL_DEF');

$_addressST = $this->user->getUserAddressList($this->userDetails->JUser->get('id') , 'ST');

} else {

$_addressBT[0]->address_type_name = '<a href="index.php'
. '">'.JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_ACC_BILL_DEF').'</a>'.'<br />';
$_addressST = array();

$addressList = array_merge(
array($_addressBT[0])// More BT addresses can exist for shopowners :-(
, $_addressST );

for ($_i = 0; $_i < count($addressList); $_i++) {
$addressList[$_i]->address_type_name = '<a href="index.php'
.'&addrtype='.(($_i == 0) ? 'BT' : 'ST')
.'&virtuemart_userinfo_id='.(empty($addressList[$_i]->virtuemart_userinfo_id)? 0 : $addressList[$_i]->virtuemart_userinfo_id)
. '" rel="nofollow">'.$addressList[$_i]->address_type_name.'</a>'.'<br />';

$_selectedAddress = (
? $addressList[0]->virtuemart_userinfo_id // Defaults to 1st BillTo
: $this->_cart->selected_shipto
$this->lists = JHTML::_('select.radiolist', $addressList, 'shipto', null, 'virtuemart_userinfo_id', 'address_type_name', $_selectedAddress);
$_selectedAddress = 0;
$this->lists = '';

} else {
$_selectedAddress = 0;
$this->lists = '';

$this->lists = empty($addressList[0]->virtuemart_userinfo_id)? 0 : $addressList[0]->virtuemart_userinfo_id;

* moved to shopfunctionf
* @deprecated
function prepareMailData(){

if(empty($this->vendor)) $this->prepareVendor();
//TODO add orders, for the orderId
//TODO add registering userdata
// In general we need for every mail the shopperdata (with group), the vendor data, shopperemail, shopperusername, and so on
* moved to shopfunctionf
* @deprecated
// add vendor for cart
function prepareVendor(){

$vendorModel = VmModel::getModel('vendor');
$this->vendor = $vendorModel->getVendor(1);
return $this->vendor;

// Render the code for Ajax Cart
function prepareAjaxData($checkAutomaticSelected=false){
// Added for the zone shipment module
//$vars["zone_qty"] = 0;


$weight_total = 0;
$weight_subtotal = 0;

//of course, some may argue that the $this->data->products should be generated in the view.html.php, but
$this->data = new stdClass();
$this->data->products = array();
$this->data->totalProduct = 0;
//OSP when prices removed needed to format billTotal for AJAX
if (!class_exists('CurrencyDisplay'))
require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'currencydisplay.php');
$currency = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance();

foreach ($this->products as $priceKey=>$product){

//$vars["zone_qty"] += $product["quantity"];
$category_id = $this->getCardCategoryId($product->virtuemart_product_id);
//Create product URL
$url = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id='.$product->virtuemart_product_id.'&virtuemart_category_id='.$category_id, FALSE);

// @todo Add variants
$this->data->products[$i] = JHTML::link($url, $product->product_name);

// Add the variants
if (!is_numeric($priceKey)) {
// custom product fields display for cart
$this->data->products[$i] = VirtueMartModelCustomfields::CustomsFieldCartModDisplay($priceKey,$product);

$this->data->products[$i] = $product->product_sku;

//$weight_subtotal = vmShipmentMethod::get_weight($product["virtuemart_product_id"]) * $product->quantity'];
//$weight_total += $weight_subtotal;

// product Price total for ajax cart
// $this->data->products[$i] = $this->prices[$priceKey];
$this->data->products[$i] = $this->pricesUnformatted[$priceKey];
$this->data->products[$i] = $currency->priceDisplay( $this->pricesUnformatted[$priceKey] );

// other possible option to use for display
$this->data->products[$i] = $this->pricesUnformatted[$priceKey];
$this->data->products[$i] = $this->pricesUnformatted[$priceKey];
$this->data->products[$i] = $this->pricesUnformatted[$priceKey];
$this->data->products[$i] = $this->pricesUnformatted[$priceKey];

$this->data->products[$i] = $product->quantity;
$this->data->totalProduct += $product->quantity ;

$this->data->billTotal = $currency->priceDisplay( $this->pricesUnformatted );
$this->data->dataValidated = $this->_dataValidated ;
return $this->data ;

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8 years 8 months ago #5790 by Марко
Плагин не работает с Virtuemart 2.6, а только с Virtuemart3. Смените в описании к плагину.

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