
JL Sitemap

Available versions

Component Sitemap for Joomla

Description: ENRU


Available versions

Social Login Component allows authentication via social networks.

Description: RU - EN

JL Weather

Available versions

Weather component and module displays weather details for web site visitors.

Description: RU - EN


Available versions

Official social comments extension via Hypercomments service.

Description: RU - EN



Available versions

Plugin manipulation with JS and CSS files

Description: RU

Content Cart

Available versions

Joomla's shopping cart plugin.

Description: RU

JL No Doubles

Available versions

SEO plugin removes duplicated Joomla pages.

Description: RU - EN

JL Like

Available versions

Customizable social buttons with social network counters.

Description: RU - EN

JL Comments

Available versions

Social network comments widget with tabs.

Description: RU - EN

JL VKcomments

Available versions

VK comments widget. Fully supports official VK API.

Description: RU - EN


Available versions

Muut comments for Joomla.

Description: RU - EN

JL Social Interlock

Available versions

Joomla social lock plugin

Description: RU - EN



Available versions

Easy modules callback

Description: RU

JL Content Fields Filter

Available versions

Articles filter module.

Description: RU - EN

JL Group PRO

Available versions

Social network communities widget. Supports OK.RU, VK, Facebook.

Description: RU - EN

JL VK Community Messages

Available versions

VK community online chat widget.

Description: RU - EN

JL VK Group

Available versions

VK community widget. Fully supports official VK API

Description: RU - EN

JL Currency

Available versions

Exchange Rates according to the CBR website.

Description: RU - EN

JoomLine mp3 player

Available versions

Popular MP3 player module for Joomla. Flash is not required.

Description: RU - EN

Not supported

Froala Editor

Available versions

New visual editor for Joomla. Very simple editor with many features.

The extension was removed because of conflicts with the rights holders library Froala. The developers js library Froala unilaterally changed the license agreement that did not allow the existence of the editor extension for Joomla, even with an OEM license.

Расширение было удалено из-за конфликтов с правообладателями библиотеки Froala.
Разработчики js библиотеки Froala в одностороннем порядке изменили лицензионное соглашение, что сделало не возможным распространять редактор для Joomla, даже с OEM лицензией.

Description: RU - EN

JL Editor

Available versions

Component file manager and visual editor plugin for Joomla.

Description: RU - EN

JL Votes

Available versions

Component to create polls. Allows you to vote for the article YES or NO.


Available versions

Automatically filled catalog of cell phones. The catalog is updated and replenish automatically after placing it on your site.


Available versions

The component will automatically create on your site Russian news from more than 30 000 pages of photos.

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© 2010- JoomLine
The Joomla!® name is used under a limited license from Open Source Matters in the United States and other countries. is not affiliated with or endorsed by Open Source Matters or the Joomla! Project.

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