Custom field dependencies

3 года 2 мес. назад #8792 от Gianluca
Gianluca создал тему: Custom field dependencies
Hello! I'm using your extension with no problems. I would like to setup something like this:
- I have two custom fields with checkboxes
- when i click on a checkbox of the first custom fields the checkbox list of the second update themselft: if there are no combinations checkboxes are greyed out. If there are available combinations i can check the 2nd list checkbox


CF1: -a -b -c
CF2: -1 -2 -3

i have an item with CF1 set as -a and -b, and CF2 set as -1

if a user check "-a" in the first checkbox list then only "-1" is enabled in checkbox list 2,as there are no other items in the website that could return with other combinations. In this way i remove the option to have "no results" but force the user to pick checkbox that have at least on item as result.
Hope this is clear... is this possible? thanks!

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2 года 9 мес. назад #8815 от Balai
Balai ответил в теме Custom field dependencies
That would be cool!
I found the JFilters extension that has this feature

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