Layout changes after adding 1 item to a list

6 года 3 мес. назад #7570 от Louise

I have installed version 1.6.2. I have been using the list filters for some time and now I have added 1 item to one of the lists. The rest of the conditions have not been altered. After having saved the list with 1 extra item the look of the filter on the website has changed. I do not see a dropdown box anymore, but all the items in the box. The only thing I could do was take that list offline. See I have taken bloeiperiode, flowering time offline. On that filter is unaltered and still online. Do you know want causes this?

Thanks for you help.


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6 года 3 мес. назад #7571 от Louise
I have also tried to make a new list filter, but that also does not come out as a dropdown list on the website.

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6 года 3 мес. назад #7577 от JoomLine
In the field settings you have made these settings for the filter?

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6 года 3 мес. назад #7580 от Louise

Thank you for your quick respons. I see that the checkbox options was checked instead of the list option. Odd that that has been altered all of a sudden but that is the solution. I have checked the list option and now it is perfect again. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks again.

Kins regards,

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