а вот премодерация у вас тут есть?
те после того как посетитель оставил коммент на почту админу приходило уведомление
в котором была встроена кнопка опубликовать, удалить, редактировать, ответить
кликая прямо в почте на которые сообщение публиковалось, удалялось или осуществлялся переход в форму редактирования этого коммента
или кликая на ссылку ответить прямо в письме под комментом ..переход в форму ответа на этот коммент от имени админа для ответа)
Last edit: 12 years 10 months ago by Roman Rakhimov.
Мы лишь реализуем возможность корректного вывода виджета cackle а так же разнообразную поддержку всевозможных технологий которые предлагает сервис. Да предмодерация есть. Но для этого вам придется посетить панель администратора виджета. Если у вас есть конкретные предложения по развитию сервиса обратитесь в поддержку cackle.
One day, a monkey drove his car near a lake. Sudden, he saw a tiger under a tree. The tiger saw him, too. The tiger ran very fast at the monkey. The monkey was very afraid and he and his car fell into the lake. The monkey couldn't swim and he shouted. A rabbit came and he jumped into the lake. The abbit swam to the monkey but did not help him. Both of them shouted forhelp. Luckily, a giraffe came along. He was very tall. He helped the rabbit and the monkey.
One day, a monkey drove his car near a lake. Sudden, he saw a tiger under a tree. The tiger saw him, too. The tiger ran very fast at the monkey. The monkey was very afraid and he and his car fell into the lake. The monkey couldn't swim and he shouted. A rabbit came and he jumped into the lake. The abbit swam to the monkey but did not help him. Both of them shouted forhelp. Luckily, a giraffe came along. He was very tall. He helped the rabbit and the monkey.
One day, a monkey drove his car near a lake. Sudden, he saw a tiger under a tree. The tiger saw him, too. The tiger ran very fast at the monkey. The monkey was very afraid and he and his car fell into the lake. The monkey couldn't swim and he shouted. A rabbit came and he jumped into the lake. The abbit swam to the monkey but did not help him. Both of them shouted forhelp. Luckily, a giraffe came along. He was very tall. He helped the rabbit and the monkey.
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