Здравствуйте. Заметил, что плагин не перенаправляет с дублей страниц, происходящих от производителей. Т.е. вот канонический адрес страницы - site.ru/katalog/category/tovar, а вот дубль через пункт меню производители - site.ru/manufacturers/category/tovar - это один и тот же товар. В главном меню создан пункт Производители с алиасом - manufacturers.
Joomla - 3.8
Joomshopping - 4.16.2
JL No Dubles - 2.4.0
Можно было конечно забить и закрыть эти страницы в роботсе, но на двух других подобных сайтах сделал те же самые настройки и все редиректит как надо, а именно на данном не работает. Проблема именно с manufacturers.
В чем может быть проблема?
P.S. Обновлял сайт с Joomla 2.5. Проблем никаких нет.
Создайте тикет, мы посмотрим, в чем проблема, на вашем сайте. Для точного ответа нужно посмотреть админ панель, как у вас организованы пункты меню и провести ряд тестов.
is a tool specifically designed to help users bypass Google's Factory Reset Protection (FRP) on Samsung devices. This app is essential for individuals who have forgotten their Google account credentials or purchased a used Samsung phone still linked to a previous owner's account. With its user-friendly interface, the FRP Bypass App DM simplifies the unlocking process, enabling users to regain access to their devices quickly and without the need for technical expertise. This makes it a valuable resource for anyone facing FRP lock challenges on Samsung smartphones.
According to expert research, the impact of weight reduction relies upon no longer best at the content material of the food regimen, but greater importantly on calorie control. Many human beings are worried that controlling energy without taking note of nutrients will affect weight reduction outcomes?
One day, a monkey drove his car near a lake. Sudden, he saw a tiger under a tree. The tiger saw him, too. The tiger ran very fast at the monkey. The monkey was very afraid and he and his car fell into the lake. The monkey couldn't swim and he shouted. A rabbit came and he jumped into the lake. The abbit swam to the monkey but did not help him. Both of them shouted forhelp. Luckily, a giraffe came along. He was very tall. He helped the rabbit and the monkey.
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