Some questions about JL Content Filter

4 years 11 months ago #8292 by F. Jongbloets

First of all: I'm quite happy with JL Content Filter. But... customers keep asking for new features and I always look for ways to accomplish them. So here are a few questions:

1. Would it be possible to set a fixed selection for a specific custom field? Like this: if I have a blog page for a specific category, I would like to set up the module to show only those articles within this category that have value x in custom field y. We would like to combine this preset selection with further, manual selections in the module by the end user.

2. Our data structure is such that we want our blog view to show articles from more than one category, all categories being child elements of the same parent category. We would like to use JL Content Filter for filtering on custom fields and we would like to combine this filtering with filtering on the child category. There are ways to do this but it would be most convenient for the end user if this could be done using the same interface / the same module. If I had know beforehand that this question would come up, I might have created a different content structure; unfortunately I cannot change it anymore now.

3. Just a question for easier management: in the “Show in category” parameter of the module I can select one or more categories in which the module should be active. Would it also be possible to select the parent category and automatically include all child categories?

I hope that you can help me,

Kind regards, Frits

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4 years 11 months ago #8297 by F. Jongbloets

Just a little bump. Would it be possible to help me with my first question: setting a fixed selection for one custom field and being able to combine this with the other selections? Maybe using an override?

Kind regards

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4 years 11 months ago #8299 by F. Jongbloets

I tried to accomplish setting fixed value (my question #1) this way:

- I created a custom javascript that sets the value of one of my select lists, and
- I used css to hide this list and it's label

My javascript does set the value, however this does not trigger the ajax search again. Would there be a way to do that?

Kind regards, Frits

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4 years 11 months ago #8310 by F. Jongbloets
Update: I found a workaround for my question #1 and I abandoned the idea of using JavaScript. This workaround has no relation to the JL Content Filter either. It is based on the Joomla usergroup access to the articles. I won't elaborate too much on it, because this site contains some custom scripting and setting the access is linked to the scripting. But anyway, #1 this is solved now.

Still, if someone would have suggestions for #2 I would appreciate that.

And maybe #3 could be a nice new feature for the backend interface of the JL Content Filter module?


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