2Checkout Inline for Hikashop

2Checkout Inline for Hikashop

A payment plugin that provides 2Checkout integration to Hikashop. The plugin allows accepting secure payments in Inline Checkout mode without leaving your site.


Using this payment plugin you can integrate 2Checkout to Hikashop. The payments are being processed as inline checkout - an elegant window with frame appears and there is no need to leave your site.


  • Secure Payments being processed within Iframe
  • Ability to pay via PayPal inside the 2Checkout interface
  • Support for Sandbox (Test Environment)
  • Custom notification to paste your content (HTML tags are allowed) on Pay Now page

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4i2gyDKGDo


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Update Date
08 April 2023
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3.6.5 | 3.7 | 3.8 | 3.9

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